Hamstring Stretch
The hamstrings are very involved in lower back pain as they help to control the curvature of the lower spine and the tilt of the pelvis. Stretching the hamstring can help to relieve lower back pain. I have included two … Continued
The hamstrings are very involved in lower back pain as they help to control the curvature of the lower spine and the tilt of the pelvis. Stretching the hamstring can help to relieve lower back pain. I have included two … Continued
Here is a video that shows the basics of how to stretch out your hip flexor muscles (psoas major and iliacus). These muscles are very involved with groin pain, low back pain, and hip pain. Guidelines for performing the stretches: … Continued
Here is a video from Mandalay illustrating some Burmese massage techniques. You can see from the video that it is very similar to Thai massage. In fact, the majority of the moves are identitical. There seems to be attention to … Continued
This is a wonderful yoga stretch for the piriformis muscle and all the hip muscles. It is a unique approach because it is almost completely passive. You don’t have to do anything but lie there and wait for as long … Continued
Here is a collection of videos on rotator cuff stretches. This should be the first step of any rotator cuff rehab program Guidelines for performing the stretches: Check with a health care professional before you attempt these exercises to ensure … Continued
Low Back Pain or Hip Pain: Lying hip rolls Cobra stretch or McKenzie method Cat and dog stretch Seated gluteus maximus stretch for office Seated piriformis stretch for office Piriformis wall stretch Hip Flexor Stretch Hamstring Stretch Pilates: Pilates … Continued