Yoga for Pain Reduction
Since becoming a massage therapist, I have quickly found the limits my body can go before it needs help. The work is tiring and physically demanding and burns out many RMT’s by the 5 year mark. This is why I … Continued
Since becoming a massage therapist, I have quickly found the limits my body can go before it needs help. The work is tiring and physically demanding and burns out many RMT’s by the 5 year mark. This is why I … Continued
The weekend road trip to Montreal seemed like such a great idea until 500km later when I stepped out of the car and found my entire low back in spasm. I almost couldn’t straighten up and was starting to walk … Continued
A study published June 2000 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal: “Effectiveness of massage therapy for subacute low-back pain: a randomized controlled trial” The study followed about 100 people suffering from sub acute lower back pain. They were divided into … Continued
Don’t just sit there…. Get to work!” used to be a familiar sound from the boss. These days, however, most of us do all of our work sitting down on the job. As you can imagine, spending 8 hours a … Continued
Your child’s backpack may be hurting his or her health. Studies have shown that as many as 50% of teenagers suffer from back pain, which may be caused by a number of factors- one of them the improper use of … Continued
It can be confusing trying to sift through all the information out there regarding back pain. Here are 10 simple ways to keep your back pain free and healthy Exercise regularly Follow a healthy diet Maintain good posture Stretch your … Continued